How many cups of tea do you have a day? + How many sugars?I probably have between two and three cups of tea a day. We take turns to make tea at work so it normally depends on how busy we all are! I don’t take proper sugar anymore but I normally have two or three sweeteners.
Favourite part of your roast?This is easy; Yorkshire Puddings, very closely followed by stuffing! I think I could just have these and gravy and be happy for the rest of Sunday.
Favourite dunking biscuit?I don’t really ever dunk biscuits in tea or coffee anymore. My favourite biscuit is a Bourbon though! I love them!
Favourite quintessentially British pastime?Afternoon Tea is by far my favourite British pastime, I don’t get to do it very often though! There’s something so lovely about perfectly presented sandwiches and scones on a cake stand! Other British pastimes would include eating fish and chips at work on a Friday, eating Strawberries & Cream and baking Victoria Sponge cakes. Oh dear, all mine are food related, ha!
Favourite word?This question took some consideration, yet I still couldn’t find one! I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a ‘favourite word’ – I have a few I use all the time but not a favourite.
Cockney rhyme slang?I know what Cockney rhyme slang is but it’s completely lost on me. Why is ‘apples and pears’ better than saying ‘stairs’ just seems like a bit of a waste of time! ‘Dog and bone’ always makes me laugh though!
Favourite sweet?I’m definitely a bit of a sweet fan, I like a lot of different ones. Jelly Babies, Love Hearts, Black Jacks and Fruit Pastilles are all favourites! But my biggest soft spot is for Liquorice Allsorts!
What would your pub be called?I think I’d call my pub ‘The Dog and Duck’ it sounds a bit silly and unoriginal I know. But we had a pub called The Dog and Duck in my home town and it has some lovely memories. They are also my favourite two animals!
No.1 British person?I think it would be someone like Gary Barlow? I have a bit of soft spot for him. It’s a bit hard to pick one favourite British person!
Favourite shop / restaurant?It’s got to be Harrods or Selfridges! I always feel a bit overwhelmed shopping in these places but there’s something so cool about them!
What British song pops into your head?I think my favourite song of all time would be Oasis – Wonderwall, I’m a big fan of that song it has so many memories for me. Angels by Robbie Williams is a close contender and practically every Coldplay song. I love them all! Music is very close to my heart so it’s very hard to even think of a select few!
I love it!
I tag you all to join in and try The British Tag! If you try it leave me a link below, I’ll definitely come over and give it a read!