Sunday, 16 September 2012

Homeware Haul

Whenever we come back to Southampton there is always one hundred things that we realise that we need, either because they are old or because we are poncy and like to buy new things for the sake of things! I thought I'd share the bits and pieces with you that we brought, a lot of you like my Weekly Want homeware lists, so hopefully you'll enjoy flicking through! Unfortunately it's all pretty boring, but we got some good deals! Firstly we needed a new colander and pizza tray (£2.50)! Our pizza tray is dead and falling apart and I brought a stupid colander which let all the rice fall through, so it was useless. So we've replaced it with this green one (£3 - both Matalan)!

We've always had boring IKEA bath mats in our bathroom, and I was bored of the bland bathroom, so we brought these bright blue ones from Matalan (£5). It's added a nice dash of colour to the room!

We brought a new rack for our living room from Argos, so we needed to get some nice boxes and things to keep the junk in! We brought three "paper bins" from Matalan (£4), and two "paper storage boxes" (£5)

I brought this beautiful bunting from Sainsburys, its technically Jubilee stock so it was reduced from £6 to £3! Bargain!

We desperately need some kind of storage in our shower, so we are trying a little shower shelf. We are renting so we can't drill holes into the walls, so have to use this sunction cup one from Matalan (£4). I didn't get a photo of it sitting pretty, but I did get one of Chris trying to attach it to the wall ha!

We had a M&S £25 voucher to spend on some bits and pieces so we treated ourselves to this. We are home fragrence addicts, and I've wanted to try a diffuser for ages! I REALLY want a Jo Malone one, but I don't have a FORTUNE to spend. So I thought for £10 this one was a good buy! I also accidently brought a mini cake stand (because I'm an absolute div!) I thought it was a big one, I should have know £3.50 was too good to be true!

When we moved in together we brought some really expensive Tefal pans, and our big one is completely trashed (which annoys me a LOT). So we needed to replace it so we can actually cook pasta, rice and curry's! This one is a massive 24cm pan and was a bargain £12.50, I hope it's good and lasts at least a year!

The last thing we brought were some new pillows (sorry for the naff photograph). I keep getting a neck ache and our pillows are really old. These were on offer for just £10, bargain!

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