For this weeks lifestyle post, I thought I'd share my scrapbook with you all! I'm not super crafty, but I've collected special tokens, tickets and pictures for the last six years and they've all made their way into my scrapbook. I've tried a few different ideas over the years, but now I've found a system that really works for me.
The Scrapbook
I use self adhesive photograph albums, as it means you don't need to use any glue. You just arrange everything on the page and pull the plastic over the top. Perfect if you're not super crafty (or a little bit lazy like me). All the albums I use are matching; I use Paperchase's 'Kraft Square Self Adhesive Album'. All mine are all in the 'neutral' shade - you can get a few different options, including purple and black.
Decorative Items
My scrapbooking box has a whole host of different goodies inside. I have a handy Corner Rounder, which I got for £2 on eBay, which helps you create nice shapes. I also picked up a selection of coloured paper, I buy the 'Spectrascope A6 postcards' which are also from Paperchase. They are the perfect size for cutting down and I love all six of the colour options. I also have a whole host of stickers and washi tape, which I use for decorating special pages. I particularly like the 'Postcard Stickers' (from Paperchase) as they have lots of lovely locations, that we've happened to visit recently!
Top Tip
My top tip would be to keep an eye out for items! As well as buying decorative items, I also collect things that I think are cute. Sometimes you spot things where you least expect it; such as some nice tissue paper inside your online shopping orders. I'll also pick up postcards when I visit tourist destinations, they are only normally 30p and they look fabulous! I also keep items from beauty boxes; My Little Box often have sweet artwork or cards that look lovely next to pictures.
Speaking of pictures! I use Instagram as the source for photography in my scrapbook. Every three months or so, I'll scroll through my Instagram feed and pick out my favourite moments. I then print the pictures with Polargram, they offer really nice polaroid style prints, that are good quality.
See Where The Mood Takes You
I don't stress about keeping my scrapbook up-to-date! Sometimes I just don't feel creative, or simply don't have the time. When the mood takes me I'll sit for a couple of hours and just arrange a few pages. I just see what looks nice and I go with the flow! The best part about the self-adhesive pages is that it's all removable. So you can just take everything out and start over if you don't like it!