Teeez Flat Stiff Eyeshadow Brush
I got this little eyeshadow brush in a Glossybox not long ago and I've been meaning to try it out for ages! I remember seeing the box straight away, it was bold and colourful. I actually thought it was going to be a liquid eyeliner, so when it was an eyeshadow brush, I was pleasantly surprised.
The brush comes decorated with the same pattern which is on the box, which moves into a gold top with white bristles. The hairs on the brush are densely packed which allows you to really pack on the shadow. This means it is great for packing on the glitter for a festive look! It's fairly soft but I'd recommend using another brush for blending out the shadow as it's very stiff. Overall though it's really easy to use, and with it's bright packaging, you're certainly unlikely to lose it!
I googled to find out a bit more about this brush, but weirdly it's pretty hard to find. I can't seem to find it anywhere in the UK to buy, which is a bit odd! Maybe it's a brand that is on it's way to the UK? If anyone knows more about the brand do let me know!