Aloha! It's Wednesday again so it's time to share my week with you lovely folk! This week hasn't been too bad, I actually took Wednesday - Friday off work, so I had a bit of a break from work. I did it as the kitchen was finally going to start being installed into our flat but there were quite a few delays. Chris and his dad finally started putting the kitchen into the room on Saturday (they were meant to be starting on Monday) but it's cool to see the cupboards going in and the dream coming to life.
I wasn't really much help with the kitchen so I basically just stayed at home to whole time, in the hope of refuelling before a busy 6 weeks at work. On Friday our new sofa got delivered, it's still in the covering as we've got nowhere to put it until the rooms are decorated, but you can see Chris posing with the foot stool in the pictures above. It's a bit depressing as we had planned that the whole flat would be fully decorated and we'd be moving in by now, but it's all going to be worth it in the end. I also managed to fit in some baking on Friday, I made Blueberry Muffins, Cherry Muffins and Chocolate Brownies, the recipes will be coming to the blog soon!
On Saturday, I went out shopping with Chris' mum and we picked up a few bits for the flat. Just a curtain pole and a couple of blinds, but it was nice to buy a few things as Chris hasn't had the time to come decor shopping!
This week marked exactly one whole year since we moved from Southampton. We've now been full time working folk for a whole 12 months, I can safely say we're exhausted! It also reminded me that all our stuff has been stored in the garage for 12 months now, I hope it's going to have survived, I'll be devastated if things are ruined.
This week I shared a few exciting blog posts including a home decor haul, a review of a genius product for curly hair from Aussie and a post dedicated to my favourite compacts!
I'm really loving my weekly roundup posts, it's great to reflect on the week every Wednesday, so I hope you enjoy reading them too! How has your week been? What was your most exciting moment?