Friday, 30 May 2014

Go Karting Birthday Cake

It's becoming a big of a tradition between our family to make Birthday cakes. It all started with a Pig Mug Cake for Chris' Auntie's 50th Birthday, then a Minion Cake for Chris' little sister. Then Chris made me a Nail Polish Cake for my Birthday and now for Chris' Birthday, we made a Go-Karting cake!

We made two square cakes and put them side-by-side, filled them with Raspberry Jam and Buttercream. We then covered them with green fondant icing. For the track we used black fondant and then used red and white squares to make the kerbs. We then made some tyres out of black icing and then bought some ribbon for around the edge. It was that simple and we were so pleased with it!

If you love cake making please leave your links to pictures/blog posts below, I'd love to read about your cakes! I'm going to leave some pictures of my other cakes below! 

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