Sunday, 23 March 2014

Haircare Empties

So the shopping of the stash continues and I’ve been finishing off lots of hair products in the run up to moving house.

It definitely felt good to clear all these huge bottles from my dressing table! I’ll never know how I managed to have two bottles of Aussie Dual Personality hairspray on the go, I must have lost one at some point. I had both of the lingering around and they both had a little bit left so it was time to finish off. I love this hairspray, it’s fantastic at setting fringes in particular, but it holds all kinds of hairstyles. I love it so much and I’ve already repurchased a new can. The Bed Head Superstar Queen For A Day is a volumising spray and it was my complete saviour before I permed my locks! This is a fabulous hair product perfect for lifting the roots and adding a lovely amount of volume, I highly recommend it! The last product is nothing new, but it’s a something I couldn’t live without, Batiste Dry Shampoo! I actually don’t get as much use out of dry shampoo as I used to, so I go through it a lot more slowly, but it’s perfect on those days I do need a little help!

All in all, three fabulous hair products that I couldn’t live without!

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