Time for the third installment of the my new feature "My Top Five"
As you may know this is a few feature on my blog, I thought it would be a
good idea to
go through all my nail polishes and pick my top five from every colour
range. Today I'm working on the green shades, it doesn't take a genius to work out that there are actually four green polishes here, I don't actually own many green shades. I did not want to put one in that I'm not actually fond of, so here are my four top green shades. Working right to left:
No7 Totally Teal
This one is a dark green shade which I love, the No7 nail polishes have big brushes which makes them easy to apply. I remember my whole nail collection used to be No7 polishes, they are a great buy, especially if you have a No7 voucher to use up!
Models Own Green Tea
I love the name of this one, it's a much brighter green and its a matte shade. It's not the best polish for application but its a great colour.
Topshop Nails in Gone Fishing
This nail polish is gorgeous, its a beautiful pastel green and is going to look great in spring.
Topshop Nails in Jewel In The Crown
Another favourite Topshop shade, his is a perfect emerald green, I always get loads of comments when I wear this one.